To simplify your document creation process, you can assign form fields to different sections to break your document into clear and signposted segments.
The left column of your template editor will look something like this.
You can add any new fields to the form that are contained in assets you have inserted into the template.
Creating separate sections for each group of data you need to insert simplifies the data input process. You can move these sections within the field to make it easy to fill out.
Examples of sections include:
- Document details, where you can insert the details of the client that will need to flow through the entire document (for example, the client's name)
- The relationship details of the client (are they repeat customers, or one-off clients? This will likely affect the way your document will be structured)
- Adviser Details (like Name, qualification, contact details etc)
Assigning fields into these sections makes it easy to segment the data and quicker to navigate the form.
For example, if you are servicing a single client, rather than a couple, you can easily pass over the sections relevant to couples.